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Float Your Boat - background

In 2015, Float Your Boat was established as project under US leadership. It started out with school children from one school in Seattle decorating boats. The US Coast Guard ice breaker Healy transported scientists, boats, and ice buoys into the Arctic north of Canada, where the first boats were set out that year. More US schools have joined the project since, and in 2020, we decided to create our Norwegian version of Float Your Boat, including school children from the US and Norway in grades 7 and 8. 

Based on the expertise of the US project initiators Dave Forcucci and Ignatius Rigor, we wish to engage Norwegian school children in polar and ocean research, as well as climate change. The American website can be found here. In addition to decorating the boats, the school children from participating schools learn about these topics, and find answers to the following questions:

  1. Why is sea ice drifting in the Arctic?
  2. How has the sea-ice drift changed?
  3. Why has it changed?


Project lead

Researcher Kjetil Lygre at the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center in Bergen, Norway leads the project.

Contact: Kjetil.Lygre@nersc.no


Project funding 

  • Research Council of Norway




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